ChennaiChennai Mon - Fri 10:00-18:00
ChennaiChennai Mon - Fri 10:00-18:00
Process Expertise
Quality Deliverable

Loan Sizing

Loan Sizing

Preliminary loan sizing enables the client to determine the amount of loan the lender would be able to provide the borrower thereby raising quick red flags on the property and borrower. Loan Sizing includes pre-screening and underwriting. The process majorly involves incorporating and analyzing property operating statements and performing underwriting based on the cash-flow analysis.


The client was a diversified commercial real estate outsourcing firm that provides top-notch services to corporate and individual clients. Neptune was engaged in two consecutive projects by a California based investment and Asset Management firm which pivots investment strategies based on market environment providing for the ability to invest throughout the real estate capital structures in securities, loans and properties. The scope of the project involved sizing of 154 lodging and retail  assets totaling to a loan amount of $1.6B, with an average ticket size of $10MM in a short span of two weeks.

Our Process

  • A team was formed with set of professionally trained individuals who could handle the volume of the workflow with utmost accuracy.
  • Assisted clients in providing due-diligence and streamlining of unstructured data, analyzing of property documents and potential risks impacting the loan.
  • Distinct borrower statements involving complexities was an on-going concern, but the challenge were resolved using excel macros to format data in a structured template.
  • Hundreds of Lease documents, Rent Rolls and research reports were analyzed and deciphered to include in the client developed templates in a uniformed manner.
  • Preliminary loan sizing was completed for all the assets by leveraging Neptune’s expertise

Key Facts

  • Two portfolios totaling 154 properties located across California.
  • Total deal value amounted to $1.6B within a TAT of 2 weeks
  • 100% quality output apart from ensuring quick turnaround.
  • Third party documents like appraisal, Environmental report and Engineering report were analyzed and reconciled against Offering Memorandum.


  • Utilizing the advantage of time zone difference, the priority requests were handled without missing any request.
  • The work-flow model was well-framed by developing a ‘ticket flow’ model and ensuring smooth delivery on a daily basis.
  • The bandwidth of any request from brokers to direct borrowers were well addressed in preparing the model by spreading out the cash flow statement into client specific templates and summing up to their specifications.


  • Reduced turnaround time by 55% thus helped the client to meet deadlines comfortably.
  • Leveraging Neptune’s expertise, the consulting firm was able to help the lender take quick decisions and helped them save substantial amount of money.
  • Ensured clients focus on their core business activities and scalability, enabling more efficient and flexibility to manage capacity.